Mass-spring systems are governed by the following differential equation. Play with the variables or drag the mass itself!
mx′′ + bx′ + kx = f(t)
m = kg
mass: resistance to force
b = kg/s
damping coefficient: resistance to movement
k = kg/s2
spring constant: stiffness of spring
= F0 cos ωt
= kg px/s2
forcing function: external force on block
turn oscillation on | reset f(t) = 0
ω = s−1
angular frequency of forcing function
We can find more information by rewriting the equation as:
x′′ + 2ζω0x′ + ω02x = f(t) / m
ζ = b / 2√mk =
damping ratio:
system is underdamped if 0 < ζ < 1
system is critically damped if ζ = 1
system is overdamped if ζ > 1
T = 2π / ω1 = s
period of motion
ω0 = √k / m = s−1
natural angular frequency: undamped frequency
ω1 = ω01 - 2ζ2 = s−1
actual angular frequency (ω0ω1 for ζ ≪ 1)